Gamesday has come and gone! It was a blast once again! Not only did we have a lot of fun running our club events, I also loaded up on some FW goodies that I hope to employ with my imperial guard forces in the near future! The Club wasn't lucky enough to win any awards this year, but our events were non stop action from the time the doors opened till we closed down at the end of the day.....
So...where did those Valhallans end up at you ask. Well HERE they are! the final cut of the Hunt for the Red Orktoba, with the Orktoba and its masses of orks! Check out the finished event, and now I am the proud owner of a fully painted Valhallan army. Another army finished, it feels great!

Another honor for the club we discovered was that our award winning Firewarrior armor and our banner from last year made the Gamesday Program flyer this year.

Meanwhile I was asked to join the staff of our Aeronautica Imperialis event. Chaos vs Imperial air forces dueled for dominance of the skies. I can say that the imperial forces were successful in disabling the Chaos Landcarrier in the event, giving the Imperial Navy the win for the day!

A good time was had by all! I'll leave all the games day news to those other blogs that specialize in that field...for me it was all about getting in some games and getting people interested in the games we play. 1 imperial guard army down...next on the platter....Grey Knights I think....
Enjoy! =)