Well it's been a month since the last real update of the goings on of the 199th Valhallan Light. In that time I've been considering new additions to the army. I've been thinking of adding some new armor to the force and giving them a little more heavy firepower. Right now the infantry part of the equation seems to be well in hand. Still there is room for improvement......

First off we have a possible model for the Master of Ordnance, originally the conversion was going to be a generic MoO, but with the long coat he fits the 199th theme real well.....

Nothing says Super Heavy like a 2nd generation baneblade, a Macharius which I got my hands on recently will join the ranks of the 199th. This will be their entry in the super heavy level of game play. I am also going to use a Commander Pask model as the tank commander for the Mach.......

Finally....I think a Griffon will be a nice addition to the army that will fit in well with the theme of the army. I also considering a standard Leman Russ to join the armor ranks along with another Griffon if I can scrape up the parts to make another one. I want to stay light on armor for this force since they are suppose to be a Light Infantry Regiment.....
Enjoy! :)
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